Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Responsibility VS Commitment

Hi and good morning everyone. I got something that come around to my mind just now and i did thinking about this.. 

What it is? jeng jeng jeng..  it is an interesting quotes maybe, that i got from someone on his talk. Topik for the talk is "Leader for Future".

Ayat dia berbunyi, "When you want to become a good leader, You need to understand and know what is the responsibility & what is the commitment". 

Maksud dia camni.. kita as student, kita punya responsibility adalah belajar. This is our main focus dekat universiti. and then commitment refer to when you join MPP, SMF ke, or mana-mana society lah.. it depends. 

I do agree with that statement. Kita actually dekat universiti, our main focus adalah study. ni memang tujual asal kita awal-awal dulu. But then, if ada masa lapang, you can join society. Join society ni seriously banyak manfaat. but.... you need to know how to manage your time. 

Once you join society, you will see.. lot of benefit that you can get. Habis-habis cliche pun dapat kenal ramai kawan-kawan baru, tambah pengalaman.. actually it is more than that. you will learn how to manage and handle event, macam mana nak deal dengan orang atasan, and of course nowadays nak dapat kerja pun, diorang tak pandang GPA CGPA semata-mata. They will look you ni aktif ke tak.. banyak join aktiviti luar ke tak. it makes you difference from others. 

But the issues are.. you melebihkan commitment daripada responsibility.. sedangkan commitment tu just sampingan je. You sanggup skip kelas sebab malam tadi ada event, you sanggup tak study for the test, you sanggup tak buat assignment sebab meeting society, you sanggup tak datang event kolej semata nak cover tidur, and yang seangkatan dengannya. (event kolej kena datang if nak stay kolej untuk the next sem).

It is okay? Totally Nope! For me, sepatutnya you kena state your first priority is belajar. So dalam apa keadaan sekali pun, you need to dahulukan apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan belajar. Kelas tak boleh ponteng, Test you kena prepare, Assignment you kena siapkan.. and settle yang ni, then baru go for your commitment.. meeting society ke, event ke..

For this semester, I do have 2 commitment. which is for society and college. Society i am the one of MT (majlis tertinggi) and for college, I become a JPB (jawatan perwakilan blok). Means that untuk society you memang sibuk and tambah lagi jawatan dekat blok, yang setiap kali meeting or event kolej, you kena datang. wajib datang okay.. berselang-seli meeting and event untuk 2 commitment ni.

So as I mentioned above, you nak involve apa-apa pun, it depends on you. but The most important is you need to know how to manage your time. 

You tahu you sibuk, mana nak belajar, buat assignment.. campur lagi dengan jawatan-jawatan lain  yang you pegang.. mana nak urus basuh baju, jemur baju lagi... but you still ada waktu free je..  nak lepak dengan kawan-kawan you. still nak duduk bersembang dengan kawan-kawan, still nak keluar shopping makan dengan kawan-kawan.. tu yang buatkan you all tak ada masa. then merungut dekat yang lain you busy la ape la.. come on guys. 

You dah tahu you busy, ada masa lapang.. try untuk siapkan assignment, basuh baju ke.. do something! jangan isi with something yang at the end doesn't gives anything to you. Dalam hidup ni, everything is choice. so choose wisely.

I takde apa-apa pun yang nak share for my daily routine.. how I manage my time ke.. as long you know what is your responsibility and what is your commitment.. you will know and understand how to manage your time. Be a good leader guys. 


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